Temporary Liquor License

Do you need a temporary liquor license? If you are in possession of a Liquor License for the sale and consumption of Liquor on the licensed premises or the holder of a License for Consumption On and Off the premises, the presiding Officer of the Western Cape Liquor Authority can, upon application, grant a temporary Liquor License for consumption on the premises. This temporary license would be limited to the sale and consumption of liquor on the premises where the liquor is sold.

An Application for a Temporary License should be submitted to the Liquor Authority 14 days prior to the event / occasion. The duly completed Application Form together with a Motivation and Supporting documents needs to be submitted to the Liquor Authority and the local SAPS. A Temporary Liquor License will be issued subject to the prescribed conditions and such other conditions and restrictions as the Presiding Officer may impose.

The Presiding Officer will not grant a temporary liquor license to a person for a period longer than 14 (fourteen) consecutive days and for more than a total of 30 (thirty) days per year beginning on 1 January.

A typical example will be for the owner of a Restaurant to take out a temporary license on another premises to cover a certain event. In these cases the owner of the Restaurant will also earn the financial gain from the sale of liquor at such other event on such other premises.